Court Case Management System is a web-based application for monitoring of all the ongoing court cases for various clients i.e. starting with the entry of a new court case to recording down all proceedings and maintaining the history of each and every case. It generates a list of pending cases till particular date so that officers can easily refer to the list and pursue the case accordingly. This application is also accessible through the Intranet Portal only and is being used by organization users. The application provides an interface through which general people can know the status of their cases pending at district officers court. They can view the cause list. Officials can make online entry of day to day case proceedings. They can upload the orders of their Court.
The daily cause list of various cases pending in courts, their dates of hearing and the judgments have become a problem.
The Court Case Management System will help people check the status of their cases at their home and they will not have to visit the court to know about the next date of hearing or get a copy of the judgment.
"In this system, scanned copies of judgments will be available online with signatures of the order issuing authority.computerisation of courts cases will make their functioning transparent.
You can get all the information at the click of a button complete case outline for a particular department or multiple departments is available and the summary of particular like case history or current status, can further be viewed. Feature of aware mail makes it very convenient for the users as the whole process is strictly time bound. An efficient facility of user role management is very helpful for the head of the department as it secure information pertaining to different departments under him. Facility to analyse performance of counsel is also there along with number of reporting options.
I) Preparation of Computerized Registers.
II) Preparation of Cause List, Disposal List and Pendency List.
III) Generation of different MIS Reports (Month wise, Court wise and Year wise reports)
IV) Petitioner while submitting application for different cases in any revenue court can get a case number.
V) The case number is auto generated and unique for each revenue case.
VI) The petitioner can track the status of the case by putting case number at any point of time and anywhere.
VII) The daily proceedings on the case are recorded in brief.
VIII) Presiding officer of the revenue court can get the court diary of each day.
IX) Monthly Progress Reports of Presiding Officer can be generated as per the prescribed format.
E-Revenue Court (e-RC) is a web enabled application for monitoring of all ongoing court cases i.e. starting with the entry of a new court case to recording down all proceedings and maintaining the history of each and every case. It generates a list of pending cases till particular date so that officers can easily refer to the list and pursue the case accordingly.
Case Registration & Mgmt. Records and Manages all details of the case filed online and manages the record for hiring at courts |
Land Record Management Records and Manages all details of the Land Records Online, used for verification of details of land and owner |
Centralized Case Record Directory Maintaining a centralized case record directory system |
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Advocate Registration & Mgmt. Records and Manages all details of the advocate Online, used for allocating the cases filed |
Appealing & Transfer Case The Module allows to appeal case from lower level court to higher level court here from Tehsil Court —> SDM —> Collector for re-hiring and justification |
To control the issues of data/information handling, updations, retrieval and processing of the existing manual System of court cases in a department; a web based application centralised resolution of handling of cases has been designed and developed with a objectives to store related data at a centralised location processing of data and fast retrieval at various locations on click of a button. Further, databases of this initiate System of court cases will help in amalgamation, modelling and analysis of various types of cases among the entire department in the state/central.
Successfully integrated with All types of Land Records.
Successfully integrated with User access control according to the Role.
Preparation of Computerized Registers.
Preparation of Cause List, Disposal List.
Preparation of Notices.
Facilities to know interim orders.
Provision to Provide judgements.
Track Case status using SMS/e-Mail
Inform about case hearing with SMS /e-Mail
No require to maintain manual register, online attendance manage of case related members.
Reduce Paper work everything is automated & transparent.